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  • Writer's pictureCory

Capstone Chronicles (I'm not numbering these anymore) - Recap Episode

It's been a while! Sorry to all my fans who have been eagerly waiting for the next installment of the capstone chronicles series. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities, so I've been really slacking on getting these posts in. For now I'm just going to recap a bit of what we've been up to the past couple months.

Alpha & Beta

Arachnotron hit a couple of big milestones in the previous months. First was alpha, in which we had all of the systems we wanted in completed or prototyped to some extent such as weapon systems and AI managers. After this was beta, where all systems and content had to be in the game in some fashion. Our beta was a little rough as there were a lot of things we just threw into the game to show that they existed, but in the end we were cleared for both milestones and have moved on to the final phase of polish and bugfix hell for the last few weeks of production. GDC

Although this was not necessarily a team event, me, basically everyone else on the team, and a lot of other game students went to GDC in San Francisco. This was my first time at GDC and my expectations for the conference were blown away by the scale and awe of it. It was awesome to talk to so many people who are actually in the industry, especially the people who worked on games that I've played in the past. It was also great to see some of the upcoming titles and technology and I'm extremely glad I had the chance to go. I think I did some decent networking there and met some really awesome people so I hope I get the chance to keep in touch with all of them.

PAX East

From the start this semester PAX has been a big milestone for our team. We didn't know definitely if we were going to be invited to go or not (as we would be presenting our game through Champlain's booth) but we all assumed it would happen and planned for it a while back. This was our games first real displaying to the general public and although I wasn't able to go I heard it was a great success. People seemed to enjoy the game and some even gave us some good feedback on what we could change or improve. I'm glad we got the chance to show our work to so many people and hopefully it will get more player attention after release. That's all for this recap. As for the individual tasks I have been working on I think I will split some of them up into separate posts to focus on them individually.


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